Climate Action Council Hearing
– Tupper Lake and Virtual Attendees May Submit Comments

New York State’s 22-member Climate Action Council, established under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, will hold a public hearing in Tupper Lake on May 10, 2022 to continue its work on a Statewide Scoping Plan to guide the State toward its nation-leading climate goals.
The Council released the Draft Scoping Plan on Dec. 30, 2021, and is accepting public comments on the draft through June 10, 2022. The Climate Action Council is holding a total of 11 public hearings with nine in-person hearings and two virtual hearings.
In-person hearings will also be live-streamed to allow for remote viewing of the proceedings. All persons, organizations, corporations, and government agencies are encouraged to attend the public hearings and to submit oral or written comments.
Individuals attending in-person hearings and providing comments will be given two minutes to speak. Attendees are encouraged to arrive one hour prior to the hearing for registration.
Press should show credentials at registration table upon entering the hearings.
Tupper Lake Public Hearing
Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. ET
The Wild Center
45 Museum Drive
Tupper Lake, NY 12986
Event Address:
Passcode: climate
Dial: 1-646-558-8656
Webinar ID: 856 0939 8446
Event Passcode: 0566537
Capacity of Venue:
Up to 205 may attend this hearing.
Vehicle Parking:
Park in the parking lot for general attendees.
Handicapped spots are located closer to the entrance.
Health and Safety:
Non-vaccinated attendees must wear masks.
Disposable face masks will be available at the event.
Information for All Hearing Attendees:
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required for the in-person hearings. Priority in seating and speaking will be given to those who pre-register. Individuals can pre-register here. Hearings will be webcast for viewing purposes only, professionally recorded, and transcribed as part of the official record and posted on the Climate Act website.
Members of the public who want to provide oral comment must attend either in-person or join a virtual hearing. Equal weight will be given to oral and written statements. American sign language and language interpretive services shall be made available upon written request at no charge. Any additional information, including instructions for joining each event remotely to view the proceedings, will be made available prior to each event here.
Written comments can be submitted via the online public comment form, via email to, or via U.S. Mail to Attention: Draft Scoping Plan Comments, NYSERDA, 17 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203-6399.
For more information about public hearings or meetings of the New York State Climate Action Council, please visit .