A Lesson in repurposing, recycling, and windfalls By Steve Melcher I want to thank our local Scout Troop 10/410 for not only providing a...
Category : Nature

The Blizzard of 1966
Six Stories from the Big Snow and One From 1977! Fifty-four years ago, at the end of January 1966, western and central NY, along with...

The Night Sky – December 2019
by Dee Sharples – Clear Sky Views and Winter Solstice Darkness comes very early in December with short, often cloudy days, and cold...

by C. Damon – It started with trees. From a very young age I climbed trees, all by myself, almost daily. On our farm there is a...

The Night Sky ~ September
Clear September nights offer earlier viewing Cygnus the Swam – Saturn & Jupiter up close – Sagittarius by Dee...

Dragonfly Tales: The importance of habitat diversity
by Steve Melcher – “The greatest threat to organisms and biodiversity is habitat loss.” S.A. Melcher 1989 Habitat...

The Homestead Gardener: The jungle out there
A Blooming, Buzzing Confusion While reading a review of a new biography of Rudyard Kipling, I came across a quoted passage from The...

Dragonfly Tales: Birdsong~Words and Songs at Odonata
We’ve had many visitors over the years here at Odonata Sanctuary: students from R.I.T. who come every year to study the barn built...

Comfort on the Wing ~ Essay by Jessica Villar Rosati
I dreamt I was floating in clear blue sky. Something silvery and light flitted around my head to seemingly stop in midair and hover...