by Ken Bristol – 1st Feature: September 25, 1974 — 44 years ago . . . The gunshot sounded different from the ones you...
Category : Human Interest

Simple sustainability: Final thoughts on minimalist wardrobes
by Sky Trombly – Many aspiring minimalists will begin by tackling their closets. In fact, the now famous “KonMari Method”...

NY-23 in 2020: A conversation with Tracy Mitrano
by D.E. Bentley – The sun reflected off the ice and a large flock of migrating mallards – and a sizable gathering of ice fishers...

Richmond History: Richmond’s remarkable recluse: Bradly Adams (February 21, 1852-February 9, 1934)
by Joy Lewis – He was a trapper, an expert marksman, a collector of Indian artifacts, an entrepreneur, a loner. From the age of...

Travis: Secret Agent Dog
by Gary Catt – Well, he’s here. He arrived last month. Finally. He’s a fiddle-footed thing, 12 pounds of hyper-kinesis with...

Tree Time
by D.E. Bentley – I had previously noticed the tree, a Bur Oak, casting its great shadow across the walkway in front of the...

That Finger Lakes Sound – Grab Yer Partner
by Ben Haravitch – Social dancing makes for a time-tested, guaranteed good night “Alamen left, balance to the corner; four hands...

Conscious Crow: The power of LOVE
The power of LOVE The season is upon us; a reminder to love one another fully and accept every individual we encounter on our path as a...

Sky’s Handy Household Hints: Needle and Thread
by Sky Trombley – 3 Ways to save your clothes with needle and thread We spend a lot of good, hard-earned money on our clothes and...