A Dragonfly named Martha and a Shark Named Genie By Steve Melcher How do you get a shark named after you? How do you get the nickname...
Category : Human Interest

Making Lemonade
By Barb Stahl The Challenges of Making Lemonade Sweet February is the month to declare love, so I will be appreciating people for whom I...

Richmond History
The Car You Could Start with a Spoon By Joy Lewis -This event took place at my childhood home in Hemlock in the spring of 1963....

The Blizzard of 1966
Six Stories from the Big Snow and One From 1977! Fifty-four years ago, at the end of January 1966, western and central NY, along with...

by C. Damon – It started with trees. From a very young age I climbed trees, all by myself, almost daily. On our farm there is a...

Making Lemonade!: “It takes a village” to raise a grandmother
by Barbara Stahl – “It takes a village” to raise a grandmother! That was a recent revelation to me when I used a word I...

Patch goes to the CVS
by Gary Catt – The automatic doors to the CVS pharmacy slid open and closed but no one came in, to the bewilderment of store...

Comfort on the Wing ~ Essay by Jessica Villar Rosati
I dreamt I was floating in clear blue sky. Something silvery and light flitted around my head to seemingly stop in midair and hover...