Category : Human Interest

A Look Back
KATHY GEARINGER – “Cats are a very mysterious kind of folk. There is always more passing in their minds than we are aware...

Making Lemonade
BARB STAHL – From My Family History Remember that family history I have been writing? Well, I am now in the process of editing it...

Argentieri wins DAISY Nurse Leader Award
DANSVILLE, NY — Unsung hero – possibly the best words to describe Stacey Argentieri, this year’s winner of the DAISY Nurse...

Creative Flow and Terra Firma
Admittedly, I have recently settled into a sunup…sundown life pattern; coffee and a walk with the pups in the morning, an entertaining...

FINGER LAKES WEATHER with Drew Montreuil
FLX Weather Offers Weather Predictions Focused on the Finger Lakes EILEEN PERKINS shoots the breeze with DREW MONTREUIL of FLX WEATHER...

RMSC Hosts Changemakers Book Club Highlighting Local Women Authors
RMSC Hosts Changemakers Book Club Highlighting Local Women Authors WHAT: To celebrate the Rochester Museum & Science Center’s...

In Search of a Rock
By DAVID PIERCE – This photo of my Dad, Stuart Pierce, was taken some time in the 1930’s very likely somewhere in Naples, NY....

Lessons from the Pack
Amid the craziness of COVID-19 and the eerily close election 2020, the turning of the seasons offers a reminder that there are no...

SPEAKING OUT– A Conversation with Leslie Danks Burke
Can you briefly describe your political strategy and what it takes to step up and win in November? The powerful win when they divide us....