Perhaps the real meaning of the 1914 Christmas Truce is the understanding that whatever our differences are, there is an underlying...
Category : History

An Essay and poem by Scott Williams Scott W. Williams ~ SUNY at Buffalo Professor Emeritus Dr. Scott W. Williams is a poet and...

The Homestead Gardener: Seeing Eye to Eye when talking potatoes
by Derrick Gentry – “So you grow your own potatoes, do you?” I may be overly sensitive, but I sometimes detect a certain tone...

Critical Curriculum
by D.E. Bentley – Increasingly, our sense of place, of places, is being defined not by the positive and enjoyable experiences and...

Collecting in the Land of Oz
by D.E.Bentley – Barb Kennerson’s lifelong love of reading and all things OZ has ballooned into an eclectic collection of L....

Owl Light Outings~A Wireless Museum, and a wine tasting too
So much of what we take for granted today has been made possible by the wonder of wireless technology. Many of the current...

Sacred days for workers
Opinion by Kurt Staudter “It would seem some aspects of Socialism might just be what are needed in an age of unbridled...

The Alchemist-Lewis J. Beam-He changed iron into gold-Part 1 of 2
by Joy Lewis – Seven days he was on the train. From his home in Canadice he walked the few miles to Livonia Station where he...

The Alchemist-Lewis J. Beam-He changed iron into gold: Part 2 of 2
by Joy Lewis – Continued…. Lewis Story was three years older than Lewis Beam. He’d been in California for half a decade...