Category : Fiction

The Monthly Read: A Lucky Man review
by Mary Drake – The Inner Life of Men ~ A review of A Lucky Man by Jamal Brinkley Some say the literary novel is dead. If this is...

The Monthly Read: Under a Sardinian Sky
by Mary Drake – Let’s take a trip to Italy: A review of Under a Sardinian Sky by Sara Alexander Under a Sardinian Sky by...

The Monthly Read: You better listen to your wife!
by Mary Drake – A review of Victor LaValle’s novel The Changeling If you’re confused as to what to believe nowadays with all...

In a corner…
by D.E. Bentley – “Women have sat indoors all these millions of years, so that by this time, the very walls are permeated by...

Drone Wars: Chapter 2
by Drew Glitch – “Yes, there’s been a containment breach.” A familiar voice resonated down the tunnel towards Molly and me....

Reba the Lizard Queen: Chapter 2
by Quinten Sager – Reba marched her way into the upper floor meeting room of the public library. Shmebulon booked the same room...

Sam-Sam the FBI Man: Chapter 2
by Teagan Acoff – Problem #1: Sam is not a trained field agent. He is a trained sit-on-his-ass-all-day agent. He barely remembers...

Scouting for Myself: Chapter 2
by Katie Egan – I briskly walked through the double doors of the school hoping that nobody would notice my presence. I made my way...