DEE SHARPLES – Celestial navigation The Ancient Art of Finding One’s Way By Looking Into the Night Sky Plus…What to...
Category : Family Fun

Ontario County 4-H Spark Club: Something for Everyone
Do you want your youth to learn life skills, build friendships, and grow in confidence? If so, 4-H might be a great fit for your family....

Looking for a Tree for your Holiday Celebration
DEANNA GENTNER If So, You are in Luck. NY Ranks 6th in the US for the Most Christmas Tree Acreage As the days get shorter, the sun shines...

Holiday Concerts at FLCC
The Finger Lakes Chorale, a community chorus based at FLCC, will resume its tradition of holiday concerts on Dec. 11 and 12 at 3...

Crafting Your Own Cuisine
Gingery Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins BY EILEEN PERKINS- This was a well-loved muffin, at our bakery, for several years. If scaled down...

Honeoye Scarecrow Stroll
On October 31! Bring the whole family and stroll the length of Honeoye’s Main Street to see a wide variety of scarecrows created by...