– by Steve Melcher – Required skills: • Sit •Come/Recall •Stay •Leave it/Out/Back •Gentle Treat Taking •Harness...
Category : Animals

The Homestead Gardener: Growth Mindsets and Garden Success
As the growing season and the calendar year both approach their end, the end -credits rolling on the former some weeks before the latter,...

The Homestead Gardener..on harvesting…and dreaming
by Derrick Gentry – “What is paradise, but a garden … full of pleasure and nothing there but delights.”...

by C. Damon – It started with trees. From a very young age I climbed trees, all by myself, almost daily. On our farm there is a...

The Light Lens: The Magic Queendom
by T. Touris – Apparently the latest infectious viral meme going around the interwebs is a complaint about adults going to Disney...

Dragonfly Tales: The importance of habitat diversity
by Steve Melcher – “The greatest threat to organisms and biodiversity is habitat loss.” S.A. Melcher 1989 Habitat...

Patch goes to the CVS
by Gary Catt – The automatic doors to the CVS pharmacy slid open and closed but no one came in, to the bewilderment of store...

Dragonfly Tales: Birdsong~Words and Songs at Odonata
We’ve had many visitors over the years here at Odonata Sanctuary: students from R.I.T. who come every year to study the barn built...

Bee Lines – It’s swarm season
by Sam Hall – For honey bees swarming season is here. It is when nature tries to increase the number of colonies to insure the...

It was not addressed to Thistle, and the shoes were not her size. On the inside lid of the box there are tips addressed to the consumer...