By The Homestead Gardener, DERRICK GENTRY The oldest task in human history,” Aldo Leopold once wrote, “is to live on a piece of land...
Category : Animals

Another Side of (Cat) Stevens
By T.Touris- We’ve been having a mouse problem in our workshop. Over the objections of our two dogs, we decided to get a shop and...

NYS DEC Launches New Fishing, Hunting and Trapping Licensing System
Improved DECALS Includes User-Friendly Features to Help Hunters Find License Sales Outlets, Keep Track of Licenses, and Harvest...

Owl Light News Subscription-only as of July
If Owl Light News could be defined in a single word, that word would be change. We have been evolving from our first issue, published in...

Bee Lines-Winter in the Bee Yard
By Sam Hall When the temperature drops to about 45 degrees, honey bees will form a cluster inside the hive with the Queen at the center....

Dragonfly Tales
A Lesson in repurposing, recycling, and windfalls By Steve Melcher I want to thank our local Scout Troop 10/410 for not only providing a...

The Homestead Gardener
Growing Together: A Review of Farming on the Wild Side By Derrick Gentry It is a fact of some importance that Henry David Thoreau, the...

The Homestead Gardener: Are Animals Necessary?
By Derrick Gentry – I realize that the question raised in my title may sound awkward and insensitive, especially since it appears...