Canvas, Wood & Cork at the Arts Council for Wyoming County

An opening reception was held at the Arts Council for Wyoming County on Friday, May 10th at 6:30 pm followed by a short artist’s talk at 7 pm. Artist Vincent A. Pagliaroli talked about his artworks, featuring wooden, canvas and cork ducks, goose, turkey, owl, swan, marsh boat with gunning rig and much more. These intricately detailed hand-carved decoys are amazing works of art that Pagliaroli has been mastering for many years. Pagliaroli shared that “the waterfowl bug bit me in a goose blind at Pymatuning in 1964, and my life changed thereafter.” From that day, he dedicated his life to waterfowl and “waterfowling”. In 1982 (eighteen years later) he transitioned from water color paintings of water fowl to the carvings.

The carving process is very involved using carving knives, draw knives, wood chisels and gouges, rasps, Italian riffler files, and sandpaper. Many irreplaceable and historic hand tools are used in the process of carving the pieces. The wood decoys are made from cedar, balsa, northern white pine and old pattern-grade sugar pine. Some are produced from found wood, driftwood and even wood from ancient barns.

Carver Joe Lincoln as well as traveling—especially “waterfowling” trips—and research have all influenced Pagliaroli’s lovely artwork. Pagliaroli’s “Canvas, Wood & Cork” exhibit will be on display until May 31, 2024 at the Arts Council for Wyoming County, located at 31 South Main Street in Perry, New York. For more information please call (585) 237-3517 or visit the gallery online at