Canadian Smoke over Canadice
As we step outside, the distinct smell of smoke is evident…
and I can’t begin to imagine how bad it must be for our neighbors across the northern border, where the fires continue to rage.
A neighbor forwarded these drone images, taken 400′ above their field on 5/21/23 and 6/7/23. They offer a birds eye view, so to speak, of what many have been experiencing over the past few days.

Smoke settled over our region of New York State has started to dissipate as of this afternoon although winds continued from the northeast. News always hits home when it’s felt directly and with so many people impacted regionally by these wildfires, the way it dominates reminds me of White Noise. I can feel the effects as can my French mastiff sidekick Æsc, the Small Town Hound, who begins to lag due to his weight and genetics even on a warm day excursion. Hopefully the slightly improved air quality, and predicted rain, will bring some relief – especially for those most vulnerable.