Call for Art
It’s time once again for our annual Community Art Exhibit. We are looking forward to seeing the work that has been created especially during the year of COVID. The primary change for this year’s exhibit is that we have changed the eligibility to artists within a 25 mile radius of Caledonia rather than limiting it to Livingston and Monroe County. To keep everyone safe, we hope you will print out the Registration Form from our website and bring it with you when you deliver the work. Please remember that this is not a juried exhibition. Just bring your work along with the completed Registration Form on Sunday, November 1.

4th Annual Community Art Exhibit
November 6 – December 19, 2020
The Village Gallery of Caledonia invites you to participate in our 4th Annual Community Art Exhibit. This exciting event will feature the art of the people in our community. We welcome work in any fine art medium including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture or photography.
Fees: Maximum Two items per artist at an entry fee of $10 per item.
Eligibility: Artists must be 18 years or older and live within 25 mile radius of Caledonia, NY.
Artwork entered in the event must have been completed during the past three (3) years and may not exceed 36” in any dimension. Entries must be original and not done from a kit. Entries cannot violate copyright laws and cannot have been previously exhibited in our gallery. All works must be framed and ready to exhibit. Paintings must have hanging wire and sculptures must have a pedestal for display or stand upright on the floor. Artist’s Name, Medium, Phone #, Title & Price must be on the work.
Sunday, November 1, 2020 Deliver artwork to the gallery 10-4pm (or by appointment)
Friday, November 6, 2020 A reception will be held for the community 5-8pm
Friday, December 4, 2020 A reception will be held for the community 5-8pm
Sunday, December 20. 2020 Pickup unsold work at the gallery 10-4pm (or by appointment)
Sales & Awards: A commission of 30% of the sales price will be retained by the gallery.
A Village Gallery Award of $100 will be awarded at the opening reception.
A “Peoples’ Choice Award” of $100 will be awarded at the close of the exhibit.
Disclosure: Artwork is to be for sale and remain in the gallery for the duration of the show, unless sold. Insurance is the responsibility of the artist. The Village Gallery will assume no liability for loss, theft, or damage during any phase of this event. Artists participating agree to allow reproduction privileges of their art for education, or publicity purposes only.
Contact: Bill or Linda White 585-294-3009