It’s a bird, It’s a plane! No, it’s the Magnificent Mystical Marvelous Migrating Monarch Butterfly! by Steve Melcher – In...
Author Archives:
The Alchemy of Life, Death and Beer
By Gary Catt – I haven’t made a springtime visit to the Alleghenyville (PA) graveyard for some time now. I don’t even recall...
The Monthly Read: A Lucky Man review
by Mary Drake – The Inner Life of Men ~ A review of A Lucky Man by Jamal Brinkley Some say the literary novel is dead. If this is...
The Conscious Crow: Acceptance Autism – A different perspective
As we glide past April coasting into May, we reflect upon April, also known as “Autism Awareness Month,” and what treasures it...
Simple Sustainability: The Zen and Art of Cleaning Less
by Sky Trombly – I like cleaning as much as the next person, which is to say, I don’t. That said, most of us appreciate the...
Kade in the Kitchen with special occasion gift baskets
by Kade Bentley – If your loved one has everything and loves to putter in the kitchen, consider a fruit and veggie gift bowl! I...
Craft on the water
by D.E. Bentley – The oar cut silently into the water and the canoe glided gracefully forward on the clear, still surface as...