With the new year comes new beginnings, and what better way to begin 2021 than with a brand-new live-streamed puppet performance from the...
Author Archives: owllightnews.com
Arts council Accepting Grant Applications for small project grants
The Ontario County Arts Council is accepting grant applications through April 1 from local nonprofit and government organizations for...
NYS Siting Boards Approve Solar Farms in Albany and
SITING BOARD APPROVES ALBANY COUNTY SOLAR FARM 40 MW Clean Energy Project Will Produce Enough Clean Electricity for 8,000 Average-Sized...
Fantastic Flora By SALLY WHITE- Most likely, one of the plants decorating your halls this past month was the bright and beautiful holly....
Trump’s Election Trutherism
OPINION By LEN GELLER– In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, various conspiracy theories arose challenging the official...
Community Well-Being
We will update this as we are made aware of events that offer support or provide updates on health-related services You can also view or...
A Review of Chris Smaje’s A Small Farm Future
The Homestead Gardener By DERRICK GENTRY- (Brace yourselves, dear reader, for a lengthy subtitle … see you on the other side): A...
Where the Path Leads-Chapter 10
The Water Meadow Once the Bailiff discovered Emily staying with Sophia, everything changed....
For Owl Light’s Younger (and young at heart) readers
Owl Light News offers a number of regular features for our younger readers, including… Pako da Pudgy Pigeon Pako Da Pudgy Pigeon is...
The Philanthropist – John Cushing Evans (1918-2008)
Richmond History By JOY LEWIS- “Jack” Evans was born in Buffalo, the only child of John Evans and Grace Covey. He was of mature years...