CCEOC Workshops / Trainings African Violets and Pesticide Training
Care of African Violets Workshop
Wednesday January 26, 2022
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Cornell Cooperative Extension
480 North Main Street
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Canandaigua, NY: The weather outside might be frightful but you can still enjoy “playing in the dirt” if you grow African Violets. Master Gardener, Susie Nettleton will lead this workshop. Learn the basics of African Violet care, repot an African Violet that has outgrown a pot, learn to start an African Violet from a leaf, and learn the different types of African Violets. Bring one or two of your African Violets that need repotting or dividing. All supplies will be provided for repotting. Fee: $10.00/person or family. To register, contact Nancy at 585-394-3977 x 427 or email with your name, address, and phone number.
2022 Pesticide Training and Recertification Series
February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022, Exam on March 2, 2022
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County
480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424
Canandaigua, NY: A series of pesticide training and recertification classes are being offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County. Anyone interested in obtaining a pesticide certification license and meets the D.E.C. (Department of Environmental Conservation) experience/education requirements or current applicators seeking pesticide recertification credits should attend.
This training is NOT a 30-hour certification course for commercial licenses.
Due to COVID-19 our class size is limited to allow for social distancing, so the Pesticide Training and Recertification classes will be held at Cornell Cooperative Extension – Ontario County, 480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424. The classes will be on Wednesdays, February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022, from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm with the exam being offered on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
The program series includes the following topics: Class 1: Pesticide Laws and Regulations: Certification Regulations, Pesticide Registration, Worker Protection Standards, Hazard Communications Standard, and NYS Reporting Law and Pesticide Record Keeping. The presenter will be Chris Wainwright, NYSDEC. The other 3 classes will be taught by Russell Welser, Sr. Resource Educator. Class 2: Pesticides and the Environment: Toxicity of pesticides, pesticide residue and tolerance, Environmental considerations, Pesticides and ground water, and types and formulations of pesticides. Class 3: Pesticide Safety: Personal and environmental safety, Selection & use of personal protective equipment, Symptom of pesticide poisoning, Pesticide storage & disposal, and understanding the pesticide label. Class 4: Pesticide Mixing and Equipment Calibrations: Procedure for mixing and filling, Calculations for mixing pesticides, Equipment calibration, and Types of pumps, nozzles, and sprayers.
Cost for the pesticide training series to obtain a license is $225.00 per person, includes training manuals and attendance at all four classes. This does not include the $100.00 DEC exam fee, due the day of the exam. Certified applicators, private and commercial applicators seeking recertification credits will receive 2.5 core credits per class. The cost for each recertification class is $40.00 per person.
To receive registration material or for additional information, contact Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County at (585) 394-3977 ext. 427, email or ext. 436, email
The registration form and more information are available on-line at
“Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program opportunities.”