Annual Members’ Exhibit Mill Art Center & Gallery
Our Annual Members Exhibition is open to all to come and view. We welcome our members and community. The gallery will be open Thursdays and Fridays from 10-3 and by appointment. Please take time to visit, this exhibition offers so much diversity and is sure to inspire. Although, it is not the same as viewing in person you can also see our exhibition on our website.
CLASSES Our class offerings are increasing as we broaden our horizons and hopefully you will see a class that intrigues you. All levels of experience are welcome. This may be the year you find out how creative you really are. Classes are starting soon and it is not too late to register, so have a look and get in touch. You can read class descriptions here, or inquire about a class by responding to this email.
I would also like to let you know that the Lower Mill building has a few studio/work spaces available. They range in size and location throughout the building. You may respond to this email to inquire. It is a wonderful building with a lot going for it and you could be the next person to add to the goodness. We look forward to hearing from you and even better, seeing you in person soon.
From All of Us at the Mill Art Center & GalleryHappy New Year!!

Mill Art Center & Gallery
61 North Main St.
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472