ACWC/CreeksideFabrics Youth Visual Arts Scholars Alumnae Showcase
Where are they today, and what are they doing? You may have pondered this question related to the ACWC/CreeksideFabrics Youth Visual Arts Scholars alumnae.
The Arts Council for Wyoming County (ACWC) is pleased to showcase the art of some of these young women and share where they are in their journeys since they took this scholarship path.
The public is invited to join the ACWC at the opening reception of the “One Path, Diverse Journeys” exhibition Friday, May 6 at 6:30 pm, to celebrate these women’s past and current accomplishments.
See the work of Jane Bliss, Esther Frank-Doyle, Lydia Hadfield, Megan Hollister, and Izabella West.
Jane Bliss is a student of Hobart and William Smith College in Geneva. Esther Frank-Doyle is the owner of Hungry Elf Company. Lydia Hadfield works in the restaurant industry and is a proud mom. Megan Hollister graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). She recently secured a position as Assistant Designer-Design/Production Coordinator with Randi Rahm Couture in NYC. Finally, Izabella West is studying Film and Animation at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Now in its 9th year, the ACWC/Creekside Fabrics Youth Visual
Arts Scholarship is made possible in partnership with successful businesses woman Sandy Pirdy, owner of Creekside Fabrics, located in Arcade, NY.
One Path, Diverse Journeys exhibit ends May 28. The opening reception on May 6 is free and open to the public.
Organization: Arts Council for Wyoming County
Contact: Jacqueline Swaby (585) 237-3517 EX 100
What: Opening Reception for One Path, Diverse Journeys exhibition
When: Friday May 6, 2022 at 6:30pm
Where: 31 S Main St, Perry, NY, 14530
Cost: FREE
For more information: (585) 237-3517
Event Email:
For over forty years, the Arts Council for Wyoming County (ACWC) has created opportunities to bring arts into their rural communities through programming, grants, and events. Located on Main Street Perry, the ACWC has produced the Letchworth Arts and Crafts Show, one of the largest and highest-rated shows in the region. Funding for the ACWC is made possible with support from the New York State Council on the Arts, with support from the Governor’s office, and the New York State Legislature. The ACWC’s mission and work align with NYSCA’s goal of “impacting a broad, diverse constituency in New York State.” We are also committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion with a deep commitment to supporting local and regional artists whose investment of their time and talent play an essential role in the health and vitality of our community. Additional funding for the ACWC comes from the Wyoming County Government, foundations, private donors, and members. For more information on membership or advocacy in the arts, please visit