Poets Cee Williams and Kat Wolper at MacFaddens
Join the MacFadden Coffee Company, in Dansville, New York, for a great tandem performance by Erie, PA poets Cee Williams and Kat Wolper. Bring your work for the open mic. We’ll supply the food, beverages and good company.

Cee Williams resides in Erie Pennsylvania. He is the founder, creator and operator of Poets’ Hall (2010-2017) and Poet’s Hall Press (2013-present). Williams has authored several poetry collections through Poets’ Hall Press as well as chapbook-length collections in collaboration with Cleveland, Ohio-based poetry publishers: Crisis Chronicles Press (12 Poems, Busriders in the Storm & My America 9 poems for Sister Lucile} And Writing Knights Press (The Awkwardness of Adulating Flowers). His work has also appeared in various journals and anthologies. Including Pratik, 2 Bridges Review and the forthcoming Keystone Contemporary Poetry Anthology produced by Penn State University Press.

Kat Wolper is a poet from Erie PA, child of the Rocky Mountains. She has been writing since she was a pre-teen, using her words to make sense of her inner and outer worlds. She has seen her work in print in Poets’ Hall Press anthologies, as well as the Our Favorites collaboration, and her books Disregard the Fire and Cutouts. She is an active member of the Erie poetry community.
[This program is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts.]
Images courtesy of George Guida