50th Ontario County Dairy Princess Crowned

Canandaigua, NY: The Ontario County Dairy Princess Program is excited to introduce their newly crowned 2021-2022 Ontario County Dairy Princess Allison Fellows. In the fall, Allison will be a Senior at Bloomfield High School and enjoys promoting the dairy industry. This is Allison’s third year on the dairy promotion court. This year’s court includes Dairy Ambassadors Alaina Davies, Alexa Davies, Grace Maslyn, Olivia Maslyn, Emily Pellett, and Junior Dairy Ambassador Julie Rogers.
This special 50th celebration was held at the 4-H Camp Bristol Hills. Several former princesses were in attendance to help celebrate 50 years of Dairy Promotion in Ontario County. A zoom meeting was set up so past princesses unable to attend could also enjoy the pageant.
Molly Mueller, 2019-2020 Ontario County Dairy Princess, was the emcee. Holly Niefergold, 2021-2022 New York State Alternate Dairy Princess was able to attend and gave a short message about ADA Northeast Promotions and wished the Dairy Princess and court a good year promoting dairy. Senator Pam Helming did a video thanking the 2020-2021 Ontario County Dairy Princess, Cara Walker, and court for doing a great job promoting dairy in Ontario County during the pandemic.
The court is excited about promoting dairy and dairy products at many events in 2021-2022. If you would like to have the Dairy Princess and court at an event, please contact Ontario County Chairperson Lori Weykman at lweykman1@gmail.com
Ontario County Dairy Princess Program is made possible through the support of ADA Northeast, the local planning and management organization funded by dairy farmer check-off dollars, local dairy farms, and agri-businesses