DEANNA GENTNER If So, You are in Luck. NY Ranks 6th in the US for the Most Christmas Tree Acreage As the days get shorter, the sun shines...
Monthly Archives: December 2021

K9 ECO Assists in Two-County Car Chase – Genesee and Orleans Counties
On Dec. 1, ECO Fuerch received a complaint from a coyote hunter who had encountered a male subject carrying a shotgun and a...

Holiday Concerts at FLCC
The Finger Lakes Chorale, a community chorus based at FLCC, will resume its tradition of holiday concerts on Dec. 11 and 12 at 3...

“Vaccinate, Educate, Graduate” Contest Offers Vaccinated Children a Chance for Paid SUNY / CUNY Education
Parents and Guardians of 5- To 11-Year-Olds Who Receive Their First Vaccine Dose by December 19 Can Enter Into the Random...

Noyes to change visiting guidelines as of 1-3-2021
Due to rising COVID numbers, Noyes Health will be restricting visitors effective Friday, Dec. 3, 2021....

Winter Exhibit at Dansville Artworks
Dansville NY: The final exhibit 0f 2021 in Dansville ArtWorks’s gallery space is a group show featuring talented artists who have...