Elected Officials, Environmental Organizations, Finger Lakes Wine Makers, Business Owners, Convened in Both Albany and Geneva to Urge...
Monthly Archives: November 2021

In Honor of Transgender Awareness Week; Governor Hochul Signs LGBTQ+ Protection Bills
S.674/A.459 Relates to Vacating Convictions for Offenses Committed Due to Being a Victim of Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and...

Pathways to Democracy
Historical Memories and The Reinvention of American Democracy DOUG GARNAR – I ride my bike almost daily and one of my treks takes...

The Night Sky
DEE SHARPLES – Leonid Meteor Shower and a Planetary Lineup Twenty years ago in November 2001, ‘the stars were aligned’...

Fantastic Flora
Patience Pays Off For These Late Blooming Grasses – Big Bluestem, Andropogon gerardii; Yellow Indiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans;...

Farmington, NY Native’s Mascot Design Selected for Lake Placid 2023 FISU World University Games
Governor Hochul Announces “Adirondack Mac” Will Serve as Official Mascot For Lake Placid 2023 FISU World University Games...

The Climate Can’t Wait
World leaders are meeting in Glasgow where fighting climate change is a top priority. After nine days of grand pronouncements, pledges...

Improv@37!!! November 20
It’s time to give thanks! And what better way to be thankful for a return to performing at Theatre@37 for the first time since...

From Our Readers
Letter from: Ian M. Coyle, ICMA-CM County Administrator November 2, 2021 Dear Editor: Livingston County government has...