Amber Alert issued 1-19-2021 SHEKERIA CASH (3), DIMITRI CASH (5) Both children abducted from English Rd on 1/18 have been located...
Monthly Archives: January 2021

Small Town Hound
By Æsc – Finding Creative Venues and Adventures in NYS 42°57’44″N 77°8’15″W After taking care of the...

Livingston County Sheriff’s Office Wants to Hear from You!
Take This Opportunity to Help the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office Continue to Serve and Better Meet Community Needs...

Meet a NASA Engineer and Try Out Computer Coding!
Virtual STEM Experience Open to All Area Youth and Families Ontario County 4-H is excited to announce that we are hosting cool STEM...

New York State Puppet Festival@Home Series Continues with Eden
With the new year comes new beginnings, and what better way to begin 2021 than with a brand-new live-streamed puppet performance from the...

Arts council Accepting Grant Applications for small project grants
The Ontario County Arts Council is accepting grant applications through April 1 from local nonprofit and government organizations for...

NYS Siting Boards Approve Solar Farms in Albany and
SITING BOARD APPROVES ALBANY COUNTY SOLAR FARM 40 MW Clean Energy Project Will Produce Enough Clean Electricity for 8,000 Average-Sized...

Fantastic Flora By SALLY WHITE- Most likely, one of the plants decorating your halls this past month was the bright and beautiful holly....

Trump’s Election Trutherism
OPINION By LEN GELLER– In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, various conspiracy theories arose challenging the official...