Preserve New York Grant This grant will fund a Cultural Resource Survey leading to four National Register of Historic Places nominations,...
Monthly Archives: October 2020

Community Arts Event (in person and online)
WHO: TOM GARDNER and MARTIN A. POOLE in the Main Gallery A Tribute to the late THOMAS S. BUECHNER in the Upstairs Gallery WHAT: A...

Pathways to Democracy-Voting
VOTING: How Should We Safeguard and Improve our Elections? By DOUG GARNAR – I taught Intro to American Govt. for many years at SUNY...

The Night Sky-The Summer Triangle
By Dee Sharples – The Summer Triangle is an asterism you can see in the night sky in October. An asterism is a prominent pattern of...

Lessons from the Pack
Amid the craziness of COVID-19 and the eerily close election 2020, the turning of the seasons offers a reminder that there are no...

Double Nucs, Bearding, and Bee Yard Tranquility
Setting up Double Nucs By Sam Hall – Over the course of the summer, I had created several nucs: some in four frame and some in...

Call for Art
It’s time once again for our annual Community Art Exhibit. We are looking forward to seeing the work that has been...

Dragonfly Tales
By STEVE MELCHER – The Apple: As American as Apple Pie … Well Perhaps Not Though Henry David Thoreau insisted that he much...

Butty’s Wish
Fiction By SCOTT WILLIAMS – The boys Uranus ‘Butty’ Johnson and Sirius Lee Johnson called themselves The Wonder Twins as they...