The Honeoye Valley Association (HVA) is launching a communication series, Know Your Lake, to increase community awareness and knowledge...
Monthly Archives: July 2020

Anneke Walsh Receives 2020 Deborah Goldberg Environmental Stewardship Scholarship
Seneca Lake Guardian Announces Recipient, Anneke WalshSeneca Lake Guardian (SLG), a grassroots environmental organization whose founders...

How Can We Have Better Conversations About Race?
OPINION By SCOTT CORLEY- The unfortunately tragic, yet typical, events in Georgia, Minneapolis, Louisville, and NYC are but a few of many...

On the COLOR LINE: Books and Films that Explore Racism in the US
By DOUG GARNAR– In the past three months America has faced a difficult pandemic and now the issue of racism is roiling the...

Canandaigua Chamber hosting second annual AlfrescoFLX Summit
On-line meets Farm to Table with the AlfrescoFLX Box Virtual Event on Monday, August 10 [Canandaigua, NY, July 10, 2020]:...

GC Myers and West End Gallery Celebrate 25 years together!
GC Myers and West End Gallery Celebrate 25 years together! New Exhibit “From a Distance” featuring new paintings by GC Myers. Opening...

Richmond History-Law and Order of the Olden Days II
Part Two–A Few Sensational Local Crimes This is a condensed version of a talk I gave at the Honeoye Public Library some months ago....

Richmond History-Law and Order of the Olden Days
Part One–One Hundred Fifty Years of Crime and Crime Prevention:1800-1950 By Joy Lewis – The township of Pittstown was organized...

The Monthly Read: Come Again?
A Review of My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite The radical title of Oyinkan Braithwaite’s novel, My Sister, the Serial...

No Sewage Sludge Facility in Butler: A Big Win for a Small Town
Butler, NY– Concerned Citizens of Butler and Beyond (CCofBB) are calling out a victory as Tully Environmental has decided to...