Monthly Archives: July 2019

Dragonfly Tales: Birdsong~Words and Songs at Odonata
We’ve had many visitors over the years here at Odonata Sanctuary: students from R.I.T. who come every year to study the barn built...

Homestead Gardener: Between the rows, between the cracks-A fantasia on weeds and weeding
With the garlic bulbs and the onions out of the ground and curing, and most everything else still weeks away from harvest, July in the...

Voices in the Gallery 2019
Voices in the Gallery (2019) will feature readings from Sarah Freligh and Anne Panning. The event is free and open to the public. ...

Night Visitors ~ Fiction by Gary Catt
From the depths of sleep, Robert’s eyes flipped open like a thrown switch. His fight or flight response went instantly to high alert....

Comfort on the Wing ~ Essay by Jessica Villar Rosati
I dreamt I was floating in clear blue sky. Something silvery and light flitted around my head to seemingly stop in midair and hover...

Sally Jane / Mustang Sal by Sally Valentine
Ah, April, month of transitions. Snowmen melt into daffodils, clouds evaporate into sun, scarves and wool hats are shelved for umbrellas...