by Jeanne Beck – Collectors Sarah Webb and Rome Celli share love of art through education & events There is a growing interest...
Monthly Archives: October 2018

Bee Lines: Double nuc box
by Sam Hall – It seems here in western New York that from about July 1st onward we are getting ready for winter in the...

Richmond History:Interview with … Hugh Drain
by Joy Lewis – Hugh Drain was one of five children born to Irishman Sam Drain and his wife Annie Kennedy of Honeoye. In his early...

In a corner…
by D.E. Bentley – “Women have sat indoors all these millions of years, so that by this time, the very walls are permeated by...

Drone Wars: Chapter 2
by Drew Glitch – “Yes, there’s been a containment breach.” A familiar voice resonated down the tunnel towards Molly and me....

Simple Sustainability: You are what you do
by Sky Trombly – “You are what you do.” How many of us have heard this assertion? This little nugget of wisdom? I always...

The Night Sky: Capricorn constellation
by Dee Sharples – Mars a beacon for locating Capricorn constellation Autumn darkness makes for convenient viewing opportunities...

THE SHOP at Reed Homestead
Tastefully curated to capture Finger Lakes style, our SHOP has opened in our historical guesthouse! We’re proud to work with local...

Susan Reynolds, Hidden Poet
Susan Reynolds, Hidden Poet Susan Reynolds (2/16/54 – 2/9/18) was a dear friend and colleague, who passed away unexpectedly this past...