by D.E. Bentley – On June 30, 2018, I joined hundreds of people gathered on the Commons in Ithaca, NY. The Ithaca area Families...
Monthly Archives: July 2018

Simple Sustainability – Summer ideas for school-aged children
by Sky Trombly – As the school year ends, parents find themselves once again trying to keep their kids busy – and, let’s...

Fairy Magic on Main St. at the Dansville Fairy Fest
by D.E. Bentley – On Friday, July 6th, Fairy Fest events on Main Street in Dansville offered opportunities to capture a wee bit of...

Collecting Art in the Finger Lakes: The evolving art collection of Lauren Behelfer
by Jeanne Beck – To some people, the words “collector” or “art collection” seem like they describe those with great wealth...

Dance transcends boundaries for those who dare to dream
by Shanna Butler – It is a rarity in life that you actually get to do what your heart tells you to. Finding the time or way to...

Giving voice to silent pens
The recent newsroom shooting at the Maryland Capital Gazette Newsroom compelled me, and I am sure anyone involved in media at any level,...

Bee Lines: Helping bees keep their cool
by Sam Hall – Shortly we will be approaching high summer here in Western New York. The honey bee population peaks in July. There is...

The Village Gardener: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
by Georgeanne Vyverberg – It’s somewhere in the 90s with record high humidity and I have just returned from my second of three...

Allens Hill: The shops and markets
by Joy Lewis – William Henry Shelton, who grew up in Allen’s Hill in the 1850s and wrote extensively of his boyhood, provides a...