What has well oiled wheels, advanced degrees, alter identities and whirls in a circle like a tornado? Assault City Roller Derby,...
Monthly Archives: May 2018

Howard Hanna Robert Gleason
This online issue of Owl Light News is brought to you courtesy of Robert Gleason of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services.

Finger Lakes Sound: Music as language
by Ben Haravitch – “A language works best when we have something interesting to say.” – Victor Wooten In our world music...

Night Sky: Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks on May 6
by Dee Sharples – On May nights after 10:00 pm, look toward the south. There’s an area of sky just east of the star...

Notes toward a Finger Lakes Cuisine: Beyond sustenance with succotash
by Stephen Lewendowski – A regional cuisine for the Finger Lakes is necessarily grounded in this deep agricultural and...

Conscious Crow: The Collective Perspective
As much as we think and believe our lives to be completely separate from one another, we are in reality mutually collaborating within an...

Owl Outing: Fun and functional creekside fare
Canadice Press – Sometimes going out is a last minute thing and you turn to some place homey and familiar. Such was the case on...

Light Lens: Popular nature show cancelled for 2018
by T. Touris – The producers of the hit show Spring have announced the cancellation of the 2018 season. “We tried to pull it...

Community Sustainability
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not big into anniversaries, events or annual recognitions of any kind, mostly because I have no...