by Stephen Lewandowski – The Roots of Finger Lakes cuisine Over lunch and later, while hiking, I thought about the forest and the...
Monthly Archives: April 2018

Village Gardener: Community Gardens, CSA’s and garden markets
by Georgeanne Vyverberg – Late February and my garlic is poking up through the mulch of leaves and straw. This is my signal that...

Bee Lines: Notes on a beekeeper’s spring
by Sam Hall – Hopefully by the time that you will be reading this it will be warmer than the 22 degrees that it is while I’m...

Light Lens: Roosters get lonely too
by T. Touris – We are introducing a new feature in the Owl: animal “personal” ads. The quotes are because we’re not sure what...

The Mountain Climbers: Part Two of Two
by Joy Lewis – The rest of the Team, continuation from 4-6-2018 An Allens Hill Base Ball Team ~ Their lives in 1910 and what...

Peter Rabbit at HCS
Honeoye Central Drama Club presents The Adventures of Peter Rabbit and his Friends April 27& 28th at 7:00 PM Honeoye Central...

Owl Outings ~ Regional Ravioli
by D.E. Bentley – I watched and captured a few images as pasta maker Finn Kennedy rolled, filled, covered, cut and hand shaped the...

The Mountain Climbers: An Allens Hill Base Ball Team
by Joy Lewis – Part One of Two: This photograph of ten ball players has been dated to about 1910. The inscription...

The Light Lens: Field of DREAMS
by T. Touris – Ah, green grass, the crack of the bat, the pleasant pop of the ball smacking leather. Almost every American is...