by D.E. Bentley – Creating from gourds has become BIG news. There are now gourd societies, gourd magazines, gourd clubs and tens...
Monthly Archives: October 2017

A Journey of Hope
By Renee Thornton – On September 10th, 2017 over 1,300 people participated in the Wilmot Cancer Center Warrior Walk raising over...

Free, free fallin’
Time has a tendency to sneak up on us and, as we grow older, our understanding of just how precious of a resource time is increases,...

The Village Gardener: Garlic and Herbs in the fall garden
by Georgeanne Vyverberg – I like to say “a day without garlic is like a day without sunshine.” Silly but almost true. I’ve...

The Light Lens: Scary times
by T. Touris – I recently heard of a birthday party invitation for a one year old that had a gift registry at Target. I’m behind...

Autumn The leaves are falling Painting the ground, With orange, red and gold. A Pollock painting all around The wind is blowing, Its...

Purcell Cemetery participants peruse past
by Joy Lewis – On September 23, 2017 the Honeoye-Richmond Historical Society held a program at the Purcell Cemetery, located on...