by D.E. Bentley – Attention spans are getting shorter and mine is no exception. Proof of this sad but actual phenomenon has...
Monthly Archives: August 2017

Attacking the Senses: Adding apples to set the mood
by Steve Crary – I like to approach every meal with all of my senses at attention. A great dining experience should incorporate...

Decisive and deliberate actions
Being apolitical is a nearly impossible feat hindered by our personal upbringings and our lives lived. All our experiences influence...

Young person’s guide to nazis and other “bad hombres”
by T. Touris – The following is a brief guide for parents who have, or know a young child that may be confused by recent events in...

Martha Algers provides glimpses of earlier times
Interview and photo by Laurie Phillips – Editor’s note: After an Owl Light News article about Abbey Road one room school house in...

Reverend Ken McIntosh on the nature of faith and community
A conversation with the congregation Congregation: Can you tell us a bit about your work history and how you became a member of the...

The Sky in September 2017
by Dee Sharples – September is upon us and brings with it less hours of daylight but also the opportunity to observe the night sky...

Simple Sustainability: Ditch the disposable
by Sky Trombly – After we’ve reduced the things we’re bringing into our lives overall, the next most important Zero...

Wishful thinking
There is much evidence – both anecdotal and statistical – to support the idea that believing in the “impossible” can bring...

Irish Channel: A poem by George Guida
Irish Channel These canals overflow with bones. They flow slow and lazy as praise of family gods at dinner. My father, dying now, lived...