by Georgeanne Vyverberg It’s like me can’t make up my mind leave or stay 30 plus years of roots pull me down keep me here my head...
Monthly Archives: July 2017

Bombs Away
by T. Touris – Our resident squirrels have been picking up some bad human habits. Recently they’ve engaged in a spruce cone...

Fight or flight
There, at the water’s edge, catching some sun was the snapping turtle that has moved into our pond. Another day while circling the...

Gun control and the SAFE Act – Part Two: Mental Health Providers and the Mentally Ill
by Len Geller – This is the continuation of a special multi-part Owl exclusive by journalist Len Geller that explores and...

The Sky in August 2017 – Eclipse
by Dee Sharples – Monday, August 21, is a special date to mark on your calendars. On that day the Great American Eclipse, a total...

Rose-breasted Grosbeak yields euphoric moment for Branchport photographer
by Paul English – The songbirds that visit my backyard have lessened for the summer but I still see on occasion my favorite bird,...

Owl Vision 2017
Owl Vision 2017 Community Voices Owl Light News is looking for writers to share their “community voices” through written words. ...

The Light Lens: A Distress trill
by T. Touris – I recently encountered a tree frog trilling away in our old defunct, monster satellite dish. Fortunately, I was...

Nature Reflections: Green frogs and bluegills
by D.E. Bentley – A population of green frogs inhabits our pond. These frogs, which come in a range of colors, from green to...

Water Fall
Life is like a giant sky filled with clouds and rain, sun to soften darkened daze and stars to brighten pain. Go sit beside a water fall...