Owl Light News: Based on my very brief read of some of your poetry, I might describe it as Lou Reed meets Rumi. Is that a somewhat...
Monthly Archives: May 2017

The Night Sky: The Sky in May 2017
By Dee Sharples – The giant planet Jupiter rules the night sky in May. Look for it in the southeast about one-third of the way up from...

The Light Lens: Young woman takes in County Line Falls
By T. Touris – This wet spring has the many beautiful waterfalls of our area putting on quite a show for those who are willing to...

7 Tips to live more simply
By Ilana Trombly – Most of us find simple living to be appealing. We’d love to focus on what we care about, leave behind what...

Fashion meets fiction (and nonfiction) with library fundraiser
Opening the door, I stepped inside. Behind a long counter a tall woman with multi-colored hair modeled a green felt hat. All around her...

Canadice (Dangerously) Hollow Road
By T . Touris – In our beautiful region there is a short little road, located in the town of Canadice, called Canadice Hollow Road...

Communities dreaming of a different world take action for all
by D.E. Bentley – Garbage is one of those global issues that have been driven by population growth; it does not take...

Honeoye Lake New Listing!
This 5-6 bedroom ranch features an open kitchen living room with flat lake- front on a dead end street for only $299,900. Cozy up by the...