200th Anniversary of Richford Congregational Church

…and a Celebration of the Town of Richford, NY on August 14 and 15, 2021

Sisters of the Quilt Guild
in honor of the Bicentennial
One hundred years ago the following invitation was sent:

Richford certainly HAS changed over the last 100 years but we are still a community with things to celebrate!
Schedule of Events
12:45 – Opening Ceremonies
1-2:30 – Picnic Lunch
1:30 – Valley Harmony
2:30 – Rededication of the Park
Click here for an Owl Light News Article about the park
2:45 – Barb Birdsall Miller Reminisces about the sos
2:45 – Games for the Kids
3:00 – Sock Hop
3:30 – Richford Congregation Church Choir
4:00 – Thee Kinfolk Band (until everyone’s gone!)
Door Prizes drawn every half hour, Photo Tent, Open House at the Richford Historic Society-10-4 and Tours of the Church and churchyard cemetery, 10 and 11 AM, and 2 and 3 PM including Augustus VanBuren’s new memorial. Augustus was the former slave of 8th President Martin VanBuren, an early pioneer resident and member of the church.
10: 30 – Worship Service at the Richford Congregational Church. Rededication of the Churd1 Sermon “Walk in the Old Paths” based on Jeremiall 6:16, Pastor Chris Corlett, with. Refreshments following in the Church Fellowship Hall.
COVID recommendations observed.
For an earlier article about the park that highlights the importance of this particular small town in my life, visit owllightnews.com/many-hands/.